Supporting School Reform Algeria is a project operating at a national level aiming to improve the quality of teaching in Algerian classrooms and increase learning by Algerian school students.
We support Algeria's school reform agenda through working in partnership with the Ministry of National Education in Algeria and the British Embassy enabling access to the UK's experience and expertise in priority areas of education reform.
We work closely with key roles across the education system: senior Ministry officials, inspectors, school leaders, school counsellors and teachers to develop professional competency frameworks and training materials.
The project aims to build the capacity and capability of key roles across the education system in Algeria to improve the quality of teaching, leadership, administration and inspection in schools in order to achieve better learner outcomes.
Our work draws on UK and global experience and is delivered across more than fifteen cities with local and international partners.
How do we make a difference?
The project’s operational methodology involves British Council contracted UK experts building the capability of Algerian inspectors and school leaders and then drawing on their expertise to co-create educational products and frameworks which are eventually cascaded by the Ministry across the country
Increased trust on the reform agenda between the Algerian government and the UK government
The ultimate goal of the program being to achieve better learner outcomes through providing teachers with access to training and mentoring, convening policy dialogues, conducting research and organising study tours to cascade the knowledge all over the country.
Through the training of 858 inspectors and school leaders we were capable to cascade global best practices brought by the expertise of the British Council worldwide to reach over 80 schools in 38 provinces of Algeria
125,000 new teachers across Algeria trained using child centred training techniques introduced by the project
Today we have reached over 125,000 new teachers able to use child-centred training techniques, and pupils are thriving through their learning, acquiring skills that are going to help them build a better tomorrow.
The ultimate goal of the program being to achieve better learner outcomes through providing teachers with access to training and mentoring, convening policy dialogues, conducting research and organising study tours to cascade the knowledge all over the country.
- 'Having the support of a strong and faithful partner like British Coucnil means we have no qualms about our success in achieving our goals and gives us more confidence in moving forward.” Senior Ministry Official
- ‘The successes being seen are not just academic engagement, but also the development of 21st century skills, including higher-order thinking, creativity and ICT skills, and also personal development, which includes the ability to share, open-mindedness and tolerance. ‘ MCIT inspector
- ‘Teachers are creating an atmosphere that involves all learners in the learning process because the method of teaching has changed.’ Primary teacher
- “I have changed in my thoughts and I will change my attitude. Now I know how to cascade “Teaching Writing” using different approaches. Now I know how to motivate children to write and how to facilitate this challenging task. I’ve learnt new ideas and things that I hope will be seen in every classroom.” English Inspector